There are seven billion stakeholders for the oceans. They have common as well as conflicting interests.
Switzerland for the Oceans brings diverse influencers together so that individuals and organisations can explore innovation; forge new and practical solutions; and collaborate to make better use of shared knowledge and resources.
Operating without bias is central to what we do.
Our Ocean Café is a space where people can meet, learn and share. It's the essential forum for everyone who cares about Ocean Vitality.
It is open to diverse and contrasting interests and can unlock opportunities for resolution and growth.

Why it matters
Habitat destruction, pollution of multiple kinds, and overfishing are destroying and or depleting the vitality of oceans.

How we work
We bring together people - conservationists, scientists, philanthropists, and investors - who are willing to collaborate to address the challenges.

What we do
We are committed to Ocean Vitality; while we learn, share, find resources, and collaborate for positive social and environmental outcomes.
Switzerland for the Oceans is a not-for-profit Association (Verein) in accordance with the Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch
Projects we support today

Fundraising 2024
This programme aims to support the restoration of the balance of life in the ocean through the identification of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs). These areas will help whales thrive and, in doing so, support the ocean eco-system. In fact, they go beyond only whales and take into account all 130 marine mammal species, including dolphins, porpoises, manatees, dugong, seals, sea lions, sea otters and polar bears. It also results in concrete information for sustainable ocean use, allowing for more informed shipping operations and other maritime activities.
The Ocean Vitality Forum is a perfect forum to explore the solutions we so urgently need to restore the vitality of our oceans through honest dialogue, exchange of expert knowledge and personal experiences. Thank you for starting this important discussion in Switzerland.
Carl Gustaf Lundin
Marine and Polar Scientist
The support of Switzerland for the Oceans has strengthened the work of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, for the conservation of this safe haven, sheltering the densest population of
Monk seals in the world.
Bernard Fautrier
Chargé de missions auprès du Ministre d'Etat
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
Switzerland for the Oceans plays a vital convening role in bringing together those who are at the sharp end of delivering ocean conservation with those who are interested to learn more the challenges and successes of trying to protect the world’s oceans.
Clare Brook
Blue Marine Foundation